What’s in a DAG?



  • The birth of Graph Theory

  • How to make money from Graph Theory

Who am I?

  • A Full Stack Expert

  • A pragmatic theorist

  • A freak of interactivity

  • A partner in a software consulting company (We are hiring!)

Once upon a time, there was a (unsolvable) riddle


Then, came Euler


Simplification and Abstraction


How many times this door was opened?


Let’s give it a name

bridges.nodes().map(x=> `${x.id()}: ${x.degree()}`).join("\n")

Graph Theory was born: Happy Birthday!


Basic Graph concepts

  • Vertices

  • Edges


  • Degree

  • Cycle

  • Neighboors

  • Clusters

Representing a graph

List of nodes and edges

listNodesAndEdges = [
  { id: 'a' },
  { id: 'b' },
  { id: 'c' },
  { id: 'd' },
  { source: 'a', target: 'b' },
  { source: 'a', target: 'c' },
  { source: 'a', target: 'd' },
  { source: 'b', target: 'c' },
  { source: 'b', target: 'c' },
  { source: 'c', target: 'd' },
  { source: 'c', target: 'd' }

Adjacency list

adjacencyList = {
  'a': ['b', 'c', 'd'],
  'b': ['c', 'c'],
  'c': ['d','d'],
  'd': []

Adjacency matrix

adjacencyMatrix = [
  [0, 1, 1, 1],
  [1, 0, 1, 0]
  [1, 1, 0, 1],
  [1, 0, 1, 0]

Type of graphs

  • Weighted graph

  • Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG)


Djikstra algorithm

var map = cytoscape({
  container: document.getElementById('map'),
  elements: [
    { data: { id: 'Tel-Aviv' }},
    { data: { id: 'Jerusalem' }},
    { data: { id: 'Haifa' }},
    { data: { id: 'Eilat' }},
    { data: { source: 'Tel-Aviv', target: 'Jerusalem', weight: 5 }},
    { data: { source: 'Jerusalem', target: 'Haifa', weight: 6 }},
    { data: { source: 'Haifa', target: 'Eilat', weight: 3 }},
    { data: { source: 'Tel-Aviv', target: 'Eilat', weight: 30 }}]});

var shortestPath = dijkstraAlgo(map,'Tel-Aviv')
                   .pathTo( map.$('#Eilat') )
var shortestDistance = dijkstraAlgo(map, 'Tel-Aviv')
                   .distanceTo( map.$('#Eilat') );
console.log(`shortest distance: ${shortestDistance}`);
console.log(`shortest path: ${pathToArrows(shortestPath)}`);

Page Rank

var pages = cytoscape({
  container: document.getElementById('pages'),
  elements: [
    { data: { id: 'wikipedia.org' }},
    { data: { id: 'cnn.com' }},
    { data: { id: 'stackoverflow.com' }},
    { data: { id: 'meetup.com' }},
    { data: { id: 'myblog.com' }},
    { data: { source: 'meetup.com', target: 'wikipedia.org'}},
    { data: { source: 'cnn.com', target: 'wikipedia.org'}},
    { data: { source: 'stackoverflow.com', target: 'wikipedia.org'}},
    { data: { source: 'wikipedia.org', target: 'myblog.com'}},
    { data: { source: 'stackoverflow.com' , target: 'cnn.com' }},
    { data: { source: 'meetup.com', target: 'cnn.com' }}]});

var pr = pages.elements().pageRank();
pages.nodes().map(node => `${node.id()}: ${pr.rank(node)}`).join("\n")

What else?

  • Social networks (Clustering, Affinity)

  • Dependency resolution (toplogcal sort)

  • Online Store (Recommendation)

  • Fraud detection

  • …​

Storing a graph in a SQL database

Good Luck!
