Polymorphism à la Clojure: "Functional Object Oriented Programming" is not an Oxymoron


Polymorphism à la Clojure:
Functional Object Oriented Programming
is not an Oxymoron

ClojureX 2018
London - Dec 3, 2018

Yehonathan Sharvit


  1. Definitions and Rhetoric
  2. Functional Object Oriented Programming with maps
  3. Functional Object Oriented Programming with records and protocols

Who am I?

  • Yehonathan Sharvit @viebel, viebel@gmail.com, LinkedIn
  • A pragmatic theorist
  • Author of Klipse
  • A Web consultant: Full-Stack, clojure, clojurescript, node.js, react.js
  • A Blogger about Functional Programming at http://blog.klipse.tech/
  • Third year in a row at ClojureX
  • Writing a book with Manning "Get Programming with Clojure" - MEAP launch today

Definitions and Rhetoric

Part 1
Definition and Rhetoric

Definitions and Rhetoric - Oxymoron

Rhetoric is the art of using language to convince.


An oxymoron is a rhetorical device containing words that seem to contradict each other.


  • The owner of the gallery told me that this picture was an original copy
  • Do you like Virtual Reality?
  • "Javascript is an awful language" is a true myth
  • Yehonathan Sharvit is a pragmatic theorist


  • Create a little bit of drama for the reader.
  • Make a person stop and think, whether that’s to laugh or to wonder.

But it doesn’t always work, because…​

Definitions and Rhetoric - Oxymoron


Definitions and Rhetoric - OOP vs. FP

Object Oriented Programming:
A programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which contain:

  • data, in the form of fields
  • code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods.

Methods can access and often modify the data fields of the object with which they are associated.

Functional Programming:
A programming paradigm based on the concept of functions
A function:

  • receives data and returns data
  • avoids mutating data

Definitons and Rhetoric - Summary

Is "functional object oriented programming" an oxymoron?

Definitions and Rhetoric - OOP redefined

Object Oriented Programming:
A programming paradigm based on the concepts of objects and messages.

An object includes:

  • a package of data
  • a description of the operations that can be performed on that data

A message specifies one of the operations, but unlike a procedure, does not describe how the operation should be carried out.

What if sending a message was done through a function?

Definitions and Rhetoric - Functional OOP

Functional Object Oriented Programming:
A programming paradigm based on the concepts of functions, objects and messages.

A function:

  • receives data and returns data
  • avoids mutating data

An object includes:

  • a package of data
  • a description of the operations that can be performed on that data
  • operations avoid mutating data: queries return data while commands return a new version of the object

A message specifies one of the operations without describing how the operation should be carried out.
Messages are sent through a function.

Functional OOP with maps

Part 2
Functional OOP with maps

Functional OOP with maps - human’s essence

What is the essence of a human?

  1. A human has a name
  2. A human has an appellation - how other humans refer to him
  3. A human can drink
  4. When a human drinks too much, he is drunk

Functional OOP with maps

A "constructor" is a function that returns a map with data and operations

(defn new-human-0 [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks 0}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] "(:appellation will be implemented soon")
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many] (str "(:take-some-drinks " how-many ") will be implemented soon"))
         :drunk? (fn [this] "(:drunk? will be implemented soon")}})

How does a human look like?

(new-human-0 "Adam")

Data inspection is trivial

(:data (new-human-0 "Adam"))

To send a message, we retrieve the function from the :ops map and call it with the object and the args.

(defn send-msg [obj op-name & args]
  (let [op (get-in obj [:ops op-name])]
      (apply op obj args)))

Let’s ask Adam to take a drink

(send-msg (new-human-0 "Adam") :take-some-drinks 1)

Functional OOP with maps - Queries

Methods that query data are easy to implement

(defn new-human-1 [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks 0}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] (get-in this [:data :name]))
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many] (str "(:take-some-drinks " how-many ") will be implemented soon"))
         :drunk? (fn [this] (> (get-in this [:data :drinks]) 3))}})

Let’s send a :appellation message to a human

(send-msg (new-human-1 "Adam") :appellation)

Why do we need both :appellation operation and :name field?

Why do we need to store the name in the :data instead of accessing the lexical scope?

Functional OOP with maps - commands

What about mutations?


Functional OOP with maps - commands first attempt

Clojure is powerful: let’s use atoms and swap! them

(let [my-counter (atom 0)]
  (dotimes [_ 10] (swap! my-counter inc))

Let’s make the :drinks data field an atom

(defn new-human-with-atoms [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks (atom 0)}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] (get-in this [:data :name]))
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many]
                             (swap! (get-in this [:data :drinks]) (partial + how-many))
         :drunk? (fn [this] (> @(get-in this [:data :drinks]) 3))}})

Let’s ask Noah to take a couple of drinks

(let [noah (new-human-with-atoms "Noah")]
  #_(send-msg noah :take-some-drinks 1)
    #_(send-msg noah :take-some-drinks 1)
      #_(send-msg noah :take-some-drinks 1)
        #_(send-msg noah :take-some-drinks 1)
	  (send-msg noah :drunk?))

That’s not what we are looking for: Now, we have different states for Noah.

The code is harder to reason about.

Remember: After a drink, a human is not the same human


Functional OOP with maps - commands without mutations

Clojure is famous for its immutable data structures.
Let’s leverage them!

Let’s use update-in

(update-in {:a {:b 0}} [:a :b] (partial + 3))

(defn new-human [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks 0}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] (get-in this [:data :name]))
         :drunk? (fn [this] (> (get-in this [:data :drinks]) 3))
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many]
                             (update-in this
                                        [:data :drinks]
                                        (partial + how-many)))}})

Let’s create an object and "mutate" it:

(let [abraham (new-human "Abraham")]
  #_(send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
    #_(send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
      #_(send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
        #_(send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
	    (send-msg abraham :drunk?))

Abraham looks much more resistant to alcohol than Noah!

Let’s explore the data

(let [abraham (new-human "Abraham")]
  (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
    (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
      (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
        (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
	  (:data abraham))

When we manipulate a map in Clojure, we create new versions of the map.

(let [abraham (new-human "Abraham")
      abraham-1 (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 1)
            abraham-2 (send-msg abraham-1 :take-some-drinks 1)
	          abraham-3 (send-msg abraham-2 :take-some-drinks 1)
		        abraham-4 (send-msg abraham-3 :take-some-drinks 1)]
			  (send-msg abraham-4 :drunk?))

Functional OOP with maps - commands with thread macro

Thread macro

(-> {}
    (assoc :a 1)
    (assoc :b 2))

Let’s rewrite this piece of code

(let [abraham (new-human "Abraham")
      abraham-1 (send-msg abraham :take-some-drinks 2)
      abraham-2 (send-msg abraham-1 :take-some-drinks 3)]
  (send-msg abraham-2 :drunk?))

The code looks shorter with a thread macro

(-> (new-human "Abraham")
    (send-msg :take-some-drinks 2)
    (send-msg :take-some-drinks 3)
    (send-msg :drunk?))

Functional OOP with maps - Polymorphism

Let’s create another object that implements the same operations but behaves differently…​

  • A king’s appellation contains a title
  • A king is drunk after 5 drinks
(defn new-king [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks 0}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] (str "King " (get-in this [:data :name])))
         :drunk? (fn [this] (> (get-in this [:data :drinks]) 5))
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many]
                             (update-in this
                                        [:data :drinks]
                                        (partial + how-many)))}})

When we send a message, we don’t know what procedure is going to be called

David, the king

(let [david (new-king "David")]
  (send-msg david :appellation))

David, the human

(let [david (new-human "David")]
  (send-msg david :appellation))

Both pieces of code that send the message look the same, but the behaviour is different.

Functional OOP with maps - summary

We have created our own Object Oriented "system"

(defn new-human [name]
  {:data {:name name
          :drinks 0}
   :ops {:appellation (fn [this] (get-in this [:data :name]))
         :drunk? (fn [this] (> (get-in this [:data :drinks]) 3))
         :take-some-drinks (fn [this how-many]
                             (update-in this
                                        [:data :drinks]
                                        (partial + how-many)))}})

(defn send-msg [obj op-name & args]
  (let [op (get-in obj [:ops op-name])]
      (apply op obj args)))

Nothing unique to Clojure.
But Clojure was really helpful:

  1. Immutable data collections
  2. Thread macros

But it’s not really a system:

  1. Custom :data and :ops structure
  2. Custom send-msg function
  3. We have messages but we don’t have interfaces
  4. Methods access data trough this instead of lexical scope

Functional OOP with Records and Protocols

Part 3
Functional OOP with Records and Protocols

Functional OOP with Records and Protocols

In Clojure there are three ways to create an object (it’s called a datatype):

  1. deftype (low level)
  2. defrecord (application level)
  3. reify (anonymous)

We will focus on defrecord

Functional OOP with Records and Protocols - The 5 commandments

  1. Thou Shalt Not Encapsulate Information (Transparency)
  2. Thou Shalt Not Mutate an Object (Immutability)
  3. Thou Shalt Only Program to an Interface (Polymorphism)
  4. Thou Shalt Not Derive from a Concrete Class (Simplicity)
  5. Let Thy Friend Extend a Class as Thyself (Extensibility)

Functional OOP with Records and Protocols

First, we define a protocol:

(defprotocol IHuman
  (appelation [this])
  (drunk? [this])
  (take-some-drinks [this how-many]))

Then, a record that implements the protocol:

(defrecord Human [name drinks]
  (appelation [this] name)
  (drunk? [this] (> drinks 3))
  (take-some-drinks [this how-many]
                    (update this
                               (partial + how-many))))

And a custom constructor

(defn create-human [name]
  (Human. name 0))

Let’s create a human and ask him to take some drinks

(let [abraham (create-human "Abraham")]
  (-> abraham
      (take-some-drinks 11)

Beware of this common pitfall

(let [adam (create-human "Adam")]
  (take-some-drinks adam 10)
  (drunk? adam))

Functional OOP with Records - constructors

Why do we need a custom constructor?


Records and Protocols - Transparency

1. Thou Shalt Not Encapsulate Information (Transparency)

(create-human "Adam")
(take-some-drinks (create-human "Adam") 10)

Records and Protocols - Immutability

2. Thou Shalt Not Mutate an Object (Immutability)

(let [adam (create-human "Adam")]
  (take-some-drinks adam 10)

Successive operations usually done with the thread macro

(let [abraham (create-human "Abraham")]
  (-> abraham
      (take-some-drinks 2)
      (take-some-drinks 3)))

Remember: After a drink, a human is not the same human


Records and Protocols - Strict Polymorphism

3. Thou Shalt Only Program to an Interface (Strict Polymorphism)

The syntax doesn’t allow adding a method to a record without specifying a protocol

(defrecord IAmAlone []
  (foo [this] (str "sniff...")))

If we add a method that is not part of the protocol

(defrecord IAmAlone []
  (foo [this] (str "sniff...")))

Bad things happen

(foo (IAmAlone.))

Records and protocols - Simplicity

4. Thou Shalt Not Derive from a Concrete Class (Simplicity)

Concrete derivation is bad!

Clojure blocks it. You can try composition

Records and Protocols - Extensibility

5. Let Thy Friend Extend a Class as Thyself (Extensibility)

In order to add new functionality to a record, we have to create a new protocol:

(defprotocol IStatus
  (status [this]))

Although the Human record is already defined, we can still extend it.
A record is never closed!

The original Human record doesn’t have a status

(def adam (create-human "Adam"))
(status adam)

Let’s extend the Human record to the IStatus protocol

#_(extend-type Human
  (status [this] (str (:name this) " has drunk " (:drinks this) " drinks")))

Now, Adam has a status:

#_(status adam)

Functional OOP in Clojure - Records are wacky maps

Records look like maps

(println (Human. "Adam" 5))

They have keys

(keys (Human. "Adam" 5))

keys are functions

(:name (Human. "Adam" 5))

But records are not functions

((Human. "Adam" 5) :name)

You can assoc them new keys

(println (assoc (Human. "Adam" 5) :books 88))

But be careful when you dissoc them

(type (dissoc (Human. "Adam" 5) :name))

One last thing

In Clojure, everything can behave like a function

#_(extend-type Human
    ([this key]
     (get this key))))
#_((create-human "Adam") :name)

Funny thought: In Clojure, even functions are protocols.


What is the essence of Clojure?

  • LISP syntax ?
  • Functional programming ?
  • Immutability ?


Early access version of the book

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